Monday, June 22, 2009

Diabetes Community - Let it Grow

Over the past few years, it has been great to meet up with other people with diabetes to share experiences and advice about how we've all coped with different trials of life with diabetes. For years I had nobody to talk to whom I felt could really understand what it was to live with this condition. Then, after a weekend away to an event in the UK where I met with 119 other people my own age with Type 1 Diabetes, it totally changed my outlook and also my life. I finally found other people who had had similar - and worse - experiences to mine. They understood the nuances, implications and obstacles presented by living life with this condition. Just talking to and listening to them relieved so much burden, some of which I didn't even realise that I was carrying at the time.

It was so good, and I look back fondly on those weekends. I wish they could continue........ and I believe that they could. Since attending these events, I have come into contact with so many people who I know would be willing to join in such a community, where we could organize ourselves into a vocal organization which could represent people with diabetes in a truthful fashion, not one which is all about how things 'ideally' should be.

I have friends around the world now who live daily with Type 1 Diabetes. Are you going to be one of them? This is an idea which can grow with input from others all around the globe. We may not always agree - indeed, we don't always have to - but even the fact of meeting someone else and sharing your opinions, thoughts and feelings will go a long way to improving your quality of life.

This blog will continue, and when the followers grow, maybe then we can mobilise or organize ourselves into an active community. Who's for it?


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