Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Okay, so today I awoke with a blood sugar of 13, after going to bed with a perfect 6 and a bowl of cereal. Why does this happen? If I'd gone to bed with a 9 or 10, I probably would have woken with an 8 or something. This condition can be frustrating, especially when what you do is right and the results aren't what you would like them to be.

Actually, that is one of the most annoying aspect to Type 1 Diabetes - when you actually do try to do your best, sometimes it doesn't always work out. Then again, this is an inexact science - what works for me may not work for you, and vice versa. Not that it's the only annoying thing, I'm sure you'll agree, but I'm sure we'll touch upon them later - don't want to harp on about them and bring myself down.

Just had lunch, with a pre-lunch score of 6.7 - not bad at all. I must be doing something right - after all, I've had this for 34 years now, and I still don't need glasses, my kidneys and major organs are fine, and I'm probably a lot fitter then many out there, even if diabetes isn't a factor in their lives. Methinks it has paid to have put myself through all of those strenuous training sessions over the years.....just wish I could continue in the same vein. Please God He will sort something out whereby I can become more active than I currently am.

Again, would love to get some feedback.




Samantha said...

I have read this and have the same sorts of problems I am on Rapid and Levimir ... I have recently read a lot of postive news on stem cell research so maybe there is hope

John Keeler said...

Hey Samantha

Thanks for your comment.

Just like Type 1 Diabetes, Stem CeLl Research is not as black and white as people may think it is. There are a lot of ethical issues involved with it, but I agree that there is always hope..... without hope, a lot less would be achieved or discovered.

Keep reading and following!

