Monday, June 8, 2009

Welcome everyone interested in knowing more about, discussing, ranting and raving and even enjoying life with Type 1 Diabetes!

Hello everyone out there, and you are very welcome to this new blog about living life with Type 1 Diabetes, something which I have done for over 34 years now (diagnosed 15 May 1975). I've had ups and downs (very cliched, I know, but forgive and bear with me.... :-> ), learned a lot, discovered a lot of ignorance and myths out there, as I'm sure you did too ("You're on four injections a day? You must have it really bad......") which can either cause you to grit your teeth or smile and nod knowingly at the poor, misinformed creature in front of you, all of which and more I addressed in my book "LIVING LIFE WITH DIABETES" which is well worth a read, believe me!!

Anyway, this is my brief introduction, and this is where I'll be sharing my thoughts and insights about life with Type 1 (and also just life in general, I suppose) - how it can affect us, physically, mentally, and emotionally, even if the hospitals only usually address the physical end of it. However, there is a lot more to living with Type 1 Diabetes than that, as I'm sure you know.

Anyway, enough for now except to say thanks for dropping by, and hopefully you can find a use for these words of mine which will be appearing in front of you. Please feel free to leave a comment or two - I'd love to hear from you.

Best wishes, and God Bless.


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